Welcome Back To Term 3!!

Hello parents & caregivers,

I hope you all had an awesome break and ready for the beginning of a new Term on Monday. I did have a good break  and am ready for another amazing Term with my Lovely A1 students. 

Updates for the coming week:

Week1: Back to school & back to more challenged learning.

Week 2: Friday Beginning of Term 3 Whole School Mass

               Whole School Assembly - C2

Week 3: Cook Island Language Week      

                    Student Led Conference {Wednesday & Thursday}

                 Feast day of St. Mary Mackillop on Friday

Please book in advance for your time. We are looking to achieve 100% Please help us.

Curriculum areas for learning:

Writing: Narrative, Creative, Explanations, Persuasive.

Maths: Number Knowledge, Measurements, Time, Fractions

Topic: Living World-  "Garden to table" Growing our vegetables- Life cycle of a Plant.

Religious Education: Sacrament Strand , Assumption of Mary

Reading : Everyday 

Please do comment if you have any questions. 

Thanks again for  your support in your child's learning journey. 

Welcome back to school | Colegio Concepción 


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