Updates for this week!!

Dear parents & caregivers,

I would like to thank you all for your  support for the success of Wiggy Wednesday & Can for Christmas fun-raising.  

Tongan Language week learning & celebration:

Students have learnt simple Tongan Phrases, days of the week, Months of the year, numbers and greetings.

Buddy class C2 & A1  Tongan Language celebrations 

Will share the videos soon. It's just too long so can't load here.

 Maori Language week:

Spelling words: Learn your spelling words form your text book.

Solve multiplications using repeated additions.

12 x 5 =                                  23 x 4 =

14 x 4 =                                  15 x 5 =

54 x 3 =                                  75 x 5 =


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