Week 4

Greetings Parents & Caregivers,

Its already week 4 and we are racing into learning. Upcoming events for week 4: On Thursday the 21st Feb is Meet the teacher evening" Timing 5pm- 7pm. Please help us achieve 100% by being present for the evening. On Friday the 22nd Feb is A & B Pod Mass in the Whare at 9.15 am. You are welcome to attend the Mass.

Learning in A1: Reading: Every student comes home with a book pls make some time and read along with them and write a comment in their Reading Book. Every student needs to learn the words on the Essential list 1-5. You will receive a list on Meet the teacher evening. If they know their spellings they can write faster. Every saturday is 10 mins spelling test.

Writing: The big focus is Descriptive writing. In week 3 the students had a writing test. The students are learning to use a Learning Intention for a specific learning and checking how successful they are by looking at the Success Criteria.  Please make it a point to ask your students about their learning as we are learning to talk about our learning and where to next goal in their learning. Thanks.

Encourage your children do write every single night as this is their Home work. Choose a topic they can write about like a picture or  describe his favourite game and so on.

Maths: Number Knowledge , Basic facts. Recall facts to 20 instantly. Every Saturday is Basic Facts testing. Its 4 mins testing. The score are recorded to see their progress. Solve addition equations by using tidy tens.

Every night students need to work on their Basic Facts up to 20.

Homework: Read your book and learn your spelling words.

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Image result for meet the teacher evening


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