Weekly updates!!

Hello parents & caregivers,

This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and it's the beginning of the Season of Lent. Our school will be joining  the community for Ash Wednesday Mass at 9.15 a.m. The first bell will ring at 8.45 a m.  We will walk down to church for Mass at St. Therese church. If you are late please drop your child at Church.  


Spelling words:

Butterflies                        Caterpillars & Ladybugs

another                                 family

asked                                      also

later                                        lunch

minutes                                   their

window                                    sister

suddenly                                   inside

ground                                       each

under                                          help

tried                                            brother

heard                                           know

Basic facts:

7  +  ______  = 10                        8  +  ____  = 10

11 +   ____     =  20                      12  +  _____  = 20

17  +  ____   = 20                         9  +  _____  =   20

Skip count in 2's up to 100

Narrative Writing: 

Write a story about something that makes you laugh.

A1 having a go at balancing bike.

Sharing Theresa Fatu's birthday celebrations in A1 class. Thanks to the family for KFC treat for the class and a yummy Banana Cake. The students had a great time.


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