Homework Week 6!!!

Dear Parents & caregivers,

I would like to thank you all for for your continuous support in your child's learning journey.  Nearly 90% success with the homework. Loved the enthusiasm of my students with their Home work. I know that without your support this is not possible.  Please encourage your child to share their learning with you everyday.  Reading every single night will help them to be confident writers. 

Every Friday Spelling & Basic Facts testing. This will help me to monitor their progression. I will be collecting the Data as well. The students are enjoying learning and I just love their enthusiasm.

Spelling Words

Butterflies                                  Caterpillars & Snails

something                                        play

walked                                             made

brother                                             more

morning                                           there

+decided                                             each

turned                                                most

ground                                                being

happened                                            help

guard                                                   ever

minutes                                                 find


Doubles of the number:

6 + 6 =                                   7 +  7 =

4 + 4 =                                    8 + 8 =

5 + 5 =                                     9 + 9 =

10 + 10 =                                11 + 11 =

12 + 12 =                                 13 + 13 =

14 + 14 =                                   15 + 15 =


Write about your visit to your grandma or grandpa's house.

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