Homework Week 10

Hello Parents & caregivers,

Thanks to the parents who have worked with their children on the Duality Maps. They look really good. I still need a few more to bring back their Duality Maps.

Upcoming events for the coming weeks: Week 11 Whole School celebrating Passion Week. Enactment of Stations of the Cross on 12th April. We have started with the practice.  A Pod Story Of Last Supper  on the 9th April.

Spelling Words:


presents                                    say

awhile                                      where

watch                                       which

didn't                                       tell

nearly                                      only

window                                   said

guard                                     about

 whale                                      side

stage                                        nice


Describe the picture using describing words. Remember to use Similes in your writing. Try to use Alliterations.

Related image

                        Image result for what is an alliteration example


Skip count numbers in 2's  up to 100

Skip count numbers in 5's up to 100

Skip count numbers in 10's up to 100


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