
Showing posts from February, 2020

Homework Week 6!!!

Dear Parents & caregivers, I would like to thank you all for for your continuous support in your child's learning journey.  Nearly 90% success with the homework. Loved the enthusiasm of my students with their Home work. I know that without your support this is not possible.  Please encourage your child to share their learning with you everyday.  Reading every single night will help them to be confident writers.  Every Friday Spelling & Basic Facts testing. This will help me to monitor their progression. I will be collecting the Data as well. The students are enjoying learning and I just love their enthusiasm. Spelling Words Butterflies                                  Caterpillars & Snails something                                        play walked  ...

Ash Wednesday!!

Dear parents.  Just a reminder that tomorrow the 26th of February is Ash Wednesday the beginning of the Season of Lent. Our school will be joining the community for Holy Mass at St. Therese Church. The school bell will ring earlier by 8.45 a.m so we all can make it on time for Ash Wednesday Mass. The Mass starts at 9.15 a.m. If you are running late please drop your child at the church as the school will be closed.

Weekly updates!!

Hello parents & caregivers, This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and it's the beginning of the Season of Lent. Our school will be joining  the community for Ash Wednesday Mass at 9.15 a.m. The first bell will ring at 8.45 a m.  We will walk down to church for Mass at St. Therese church. If you are late please drop your child at Church.   Homework: Spelling words: Butterflies                        Caterpillars & Ladybugs another                                 family asked                                      also later                                        lunch minutes            ...

Exciting News!!!

Hello parents & caregivers,  A Pod has some exciting news. The students will be having a go at wheeling. The first session starts tomorrow. A1 class is scheduled at 12.10 -1. 00 p.m.  The students will need to get some covered shoes. If they don't have one they might miss out on their experience at wheeling. So, parents please send your children with the right gear for tomorrow. The students  are pumped up and excited about it. Learning is in full swing in A1 class. Please encourage your children to read their book and a piece of writing every single night.

Thank You!!

Hello parents & caregivers, I would like to thank all the parents who  made it to "Meet the teacher evening".  Room A1 was buzzing with parents and students. Homework : Spelling words: Butterflies & Caterpillars                        Ladybugs &  Snails because                                                           come about                                                              went after                                                      ...

Week 3 Updates!!

Week 3 is a busy week for St. Mary Mackillop School. Thursday the 13th of February is " Meet the teacher evening". I'm looking forward to meet all my parents.  Please do come and help us achieve 100% attendance.  Things to look forward at the Meet the teacher evening: Get to know the teacher/ parents Class dynamics  Home work Learning areas Any questions you may have for me Resources handed out to students - Spelling List, Basic facts  Any questions???? for the teacher  Friday the 14th is our Term 1 Whole School Mass at St. Therese.  Please send a can a food for the less fortunate in our community. Hats!!! There are still few students in A1 with no hats. It's very important for the students to ware their hats during break times so they can keep themselves safe from the harsh sun. Our school is a sun smart school. " No hat no play" The students who have no hats will be sitting in the Wharenui supervised. Please ensure your children come...

Up coming events !!

Updates for the coming weeks: Meeting the Teacher Evening - 13th February 5pm to 7 pm Whole School Mass on 14 February Learning : Writing L.I WALHT write a Recount. The students are learning to write a Recount by following the Structure, use Time Words and  describing words  in their Recount. Please help them to practise at home. L.I WALHT write a Narrative.    Reading: Students will come home with their reading books. Please read with them. Reading every night will help them to be confident  readers. Reading Activity: ing words, ed words, { prefixes and suffixes}  Blends and ends, Digraphs  , Alliterations. Maths: Number Knowledge Build 10 & 20 Basic facts, forward and backward numbers, skip counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. Write numbers from 1 - 100 { forward} & backwards 0 - 100} Write numbers 1- 500  Simple two digit additions and takeaways. Please do fell free to come in and see our learning. I'm looki...