
Showing posts from July, 2020

Whole School Mass tomorrow!!

Hello parents & caregivers, Just a friendly reminder that our Whole School Term 3 Mass is tomorrow at St. Therese Church. The timings are 11am. You are welcome to join us for the Mass. Please send in a can of food for the less privileged of our Church community. Thanks again for your support. Next week is our SLC'S. Thanks to the parents who have kindly booked in their time for the SLC'S. We are 95%booked at the moment. A few more bookings needed to reach our 100% goal.  Please help us hit our 100% target so that the students can enjoys their treats { PIZZA}  I'm looking forward to meeting you all for the SLC's. Your lovely children will showcase all their amazing learning. Let's support our children together. Thanks again.

Home work week 1!

Dear parents & caregivers, A1 students are learning about Sacraments in Religious Education. They will be learning all about the Sacrament of Baptism. Homework this week is to know about their own Baptism.  The students have come home with a chart paper for their research homework. Please help them to find out all about them being Baptised. They can use photographs of them being Baptised. If incase they are not Baptised then they can use photographs of some one in the family being Baptised. This is their research homework. 

Welcome Back To Term 3!!

Hello parents & caregivers, I hope you all had an awesome break and ready for the beginning of a new Term on Monday. I did have a good break  and am ready for another amazing Term with my Lovely A1 students.  Updates for the coming week: Week1: Back to school & back to more challenged learning. Week 2: Friday Beginning of Term 3 Whole School Mass                Whole School Assembly - C2 Week 3: Cook Island Language Week                           Student Led Conference {Wednesday & Thursday}                  Feast day of St. Mary Mackillop on Friday Please book in advance for your time. We are looking to achieve 100% Please help us. Curriculum areas for learning: Writing: Narrative, Creative, Explanations, Persuasive. Maths: Number Knowledge, Measurements, Time, Fractions Topic: Living ...

Mufti Day tomorrow!!

Hello parents & caregivers, Just to celebrate the last day of Term 2 the students will come to school dressed in their Mufti. There is no Gold Coin Donations or Cans collections. It's just students celebrating the last day of Term 2. It's been a long week as well. They need a break and so do you. They can come dressed in their colourful warm clothes.  I take this opportunity to thank every single parent for your continuous support and help in your child's learning journey. Together we can make a difference in the students lives. Thanks